
Anime English Dub Series That Made It Into The 100th Episodes

Anime English Dub Series That Made It Into The 100th Episodes

One Piece: Wan p̨su (TV Series 1999Р) Poster

nine /10

One of Shonen Jump's premiere franchises.

One Piece has become something of a colossal cult-phenomenon around the world, though it's a household name in Japan thanks to Toei Animation's seemingly undying commitment to Shonen Jump adaptations, such every bit Dragon Ball, Dr. Slump, Saint Seiya and Slam Dunk.

At over 900 episodes this prove has become probably the longest running digitally-painted anime in history: thanks to Toei's transition to digital cel-animation in the late 1990s. This evidence'southward got great characters, a fun earth and the activeness gets just enough dial to non be besides irksome or derivative of Toei's other Shonen-derived shows.

This is an anime household name and anyone into Japanese animation should requite this one a shot. P.South. Y'all DON'T need to have seen all of this show'southward episodes because... y'know: it's ridiculous grab-up fourth dimension in one sitting.

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10 /10

All-time Pirate Anime of it's kind.

I Piece takes place in an alternate world where pirates rule the seas and anything can happen. Gold Roger was the Pirate King who had fame, fortune, and ability. But when he was captured he was sentenced to be executed. On the twenty-four hours he was executed he revealed his One Piece treasure is hidden somewhere at The Grand Line.

This made people set sail and endeavour to hunt down the One Piece treasure. Many have failed and never found the location of it. Merely over the years information technology'due south drawn attention and formations on hundreds of Pirate groups who seek the title of Pirate King. The whole world has entered the Golden Era of Pirates.

On one island lived a boy named Luffy, who is friends with a pirate named Captain Shanks. He looks upward to Shanks as a hero. And would practise anything to exist part of his coiffure. But he was as well young to get a pirate or office of any crew. Ane day Luffy encountered the Devil Fruit. He ate information technology and obtain the ability the fruit agree. It gave him the ability to stretch with a torso made of rubber. But once you swallow the Devil'southward Fruit, you're cursed with the powers forever. And tin can never be able to swim once more. Later almost drowning in the water, his friend Shanks saved his life. Every bit Shanks departs with his coiffure, he gave Luffy his prized harbinger hat. He told him to keep information technology with him, until they meet again. While Luffy was left feeling sorry but honored at the same time. And his new destiny in life, will be to start up his own pirate coiffure, go to the Grand Line, find the Ane Piece treasure, to become the new Pirate King.

A few years later, Luffy starts his quest to find him some friends for his pirate crew. Throughout the serial, he'll find new lands, new allies, treasure, danger, and plenty of villains to face up off. Just with some faith and the powers of the Devil'due south Fruit. Luffy will sure to succeed his goal in becoming the Greatest Pirate that ever lived.

Comic made back in the tardily 90s, and the anime series has been around since the before days of SpongeBob. I first heard of it when it came on the FoxBox back in late 2004. I wasn't entirely into many anime back then. And I never saw the English Dub of the series, as I found it to be an OK series. After reading on the cyberspace that the dub is heavily edited and nothing similar the original. I grew involvement on how good it is. I read the first volume of the Manga series. And liked how the story was going.

Wasn't until January 2007, when I finally get-go to cheque out the Anime. Just I viewed the episodes that are subtitled, uncut, and uncensored. And I grew to love it. The animation is very well washed, it's funny, it'southward activeness packed, and it'southward dramatic sometimes. I don't even consider it a kid'southward drawing, when it's more aimed to teenagers. But with an interesting bandage of characters, and over a hundred secondary/miscellaneous characters. One Piece is indeed a great Anime next to Case Closed, Naurto, & other ongoing serial.

The reason why it's very underrated was considering of 4Kids existence the kickoff company to distribute the anime. Which they edited and censored a lot. And many flaws in the dubbing. Such as voices that don't suit the characters' personalities. Too many pirate accents and catch-phrases that get old instantly. All the violence, blood, alchol, drugs, and nudity were altered and removed. All the weapons were contradistinct to expect harmless. 4Kids spent more than time edditting than spending time on the scripts. Plus a lot of filler and small episodes were removed. And nearly of them were too important to accept out in the serial.

The expert affair is 4kids no longer owns rights to One Piece. I knew they would drib it, because they did a poor job in introducing the series to English speaking countries.

With over 300 episodes, I can tell that Ane Slice is really big in Japan. I've seen all the current episodes. And can't get enough of information technology.

And then those who like their Anime uncut, should highly recommend seeing One Piece uncut by fan subs or Funimation'south release on the serial.

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9 /10

I Slice

Not the best anime I watched But Information technology has a special place in my heart, I watch One Piece since 2010 and I never got bored all the time I watched, but the level of the anime decreased later the Tow yr, Except Dressrosa arc the balance arc subsequently tow years have fallen seriously,

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nine /x

one piece

There are two responses I get, without fail, every fourth dimension I try to go someone new to spotter this show. "I don't like the fine art style," or "I've seen the dub - NO Thanks." I'm guilty of both of these myself. But if there's one thing I need to stress before fifty-fifty getting started on this review, it'due south that the 4Kids dub is Not I Slice. For the love of god, Please exercise not call back it is. If you've suffered the misfortune of seeing some of the 4Kids episodes, but erase them from your mind and offset fresh. They butchered it, at that place's really no other mode to put information technology. They cut episodes, inverse the dialogue to fit a MUCH younger and apparently far less intelligent audience (most insultingly and then), gave the characters RIDICULOUS voices, and pretty much watered downwardly the entire series. FUNimation has done a much better job and so far from what I've seen, but regardless, watching it in its original Japanese class with subtitles is really the manner to go.

Equally for the art fashion, it's true, it's completely different from almost anything else I've seen. Much more "cartoonish" and possibly not what you'd expect from an anime. Despite that, you end up loving it. I wouldn't even say that yous accept to "get used to it" because it'south not something that detracts from the rest of the series in whatever fashion. It didn't even take me two episodes earlier I was thoroughly enjoying information technology and seeing it equally a fresh, new way, exciting virtually and unlike anything I'd experienced before. At present, some 300+ episodes afterward, I tin't remember ever Not liking it, or even why I would accept. Especially now with One Piece being aired in high definition, the art is crisp, clean, colorful - VERY sharp and wonderful to look at.

At present that we've got those two points out of the way...

I Piece is actually one of the best shows I've ever seen, anime or otherwise. The plot is pretty basic at first. Monkey D. Luffy has merely gear up out on his ain to find the legendary treasure 'one piece' and become Pirate King, and he's looking for a coiffure to sail with him. Y'all'll observe yourself falling in love with each and every new member as Luffy finds them. They're all extremely well developed, with interesting backgrounds and unique, fun personalities. They form one very quirky crew that'south always discovering new adventures and somehow getting themselves into trouble every bit they strive to achieve their dreams. Each main story arc introduces new small-scale characters as well, and they're just every bit much fun and piece of cake to fall in dearest with every bit the Harbinger Hat crew. Not one graphic symbol is left out or feels like they're there for no reason. Anybody has a purpose and adds to the storyline, and one of the really cool things about 1 Piece is that these 'purposes' ofttimes resurface at later points in the series. No detail is left untouched, and you'll seriously be amazed past the style Oda threads together plots and characters and blends all their stories perfectly the more the serial progresses.

The plot itself, though fairly straightforward at start like I said, quickly evolves into something HUGE. Much of the beginning of the serial is dedicated to forming the crew and letting y'all get to know the characters, though it's definitely never lacking in action, merely once they reach the Grand Line, you're swept up in adventure after adventure and post-obit some of the nearly fantastic story arcs yous'll ever watch. The battles and fights are well-paced, with the terminal boss fight most always being completely EPIC. Simply even through the action, One Slice never quite loses information technology's lighthearted, humorous edge. The episodes are sprinkled with Enough of funny moments, never besides many and never too few. There'southward always a wonderful rest of action and humor.

Ane Piece also has its off-white share of centre-wrenching moments, which may take you lot by surprise! At that place are some EXTREMELY powerful scenes and episodes that kind of bang you and leave you wondering when you became quite then emotionally fastened to certain characters or other things. I've definitely found myself near tears or really crying at more than 1 point. One Piece has it all - astonishing characters, the never-ending nevertheless never TOO over-the-top humour, exciting battles, fun adventures, heartbreaking moments with quick to follow touching moments. And underneath everything, there'southward always the theme of friendship and teamwork, of working to reach your dreams and helping those closest to you reach theirs, of growing and maturing as a person and discovering the power inside yourself to overcome obstacles of whatsoever sort, of just BEING THERE for the residue of your crew when they demand you - of being NAKAMA.

In a word, One Slice is perfect. And perhaps I'k just biased, being an obviously OBSESSED fan at this point, haha, merely what can I say? It's been running for 344 episodes so far and not ONCE have I wondered or hoped that it would start to reach an terminate. Information technology is, simply put, amazing.

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10 /10

Straw Hat Pirates, I Wanna Be Your Nakama..!

Alarm: Spoilers

Permit me starting time by saying, I don't understand Japanese and I'm a huge fan of Naruto, Shippuuden and Bleach (of grade, all original Japanese versions). One Piece was shown on Cartoon Network when I was 13/fourteen & I thought it was lame. At present, I see why it was lame, information technology was 4kids English version which was pretty horrible.

Monkey. D. Luffy is the captain of a minor grouping of pirates, famous every bit the Straw Chapeau Pirates. He recruits a modest and diverse group of people who volition exist his nakama on the journeying. He is more interested in food and nakamas than in gilt & money as normal pirate would be. He is a comedian more than a helm, simply he rises to the occasion when needed and he's a skilful role model. He wants to get to One Piece & become the King Of Pirates. He gets Roronoa Zoro on board start. He is a highly skilled swordsman & is known as the pirate hunter Zoro. He uses three katanas & its his appetite to get the best swordsman in the earth. Then Nami comes aboard as the skilled navigator. Its her dream to draw the map of the whole world. Later on that, Usopp the storyteller (i.eastward he's a groovy liar) becomes their nakama.

Adjacent Sanji becomes their cook. His dream is to prove that All-Blue exists and he's an awesome kicker forth with being a highly skilled melt. Simply, he loses information technology whenever he sees a beautiful lady. Then comes Chopper, a reindeer (you heard me right!). He becomes their physician and he'due south very practiced at information technology. And then Nico Robin hops on aboard. Her dream is to find out well-nigh the ultimate Poneglyph, Rio Poneglyph. She has a ability and a troubled past.

This story is almost taking the initiative to go for your dreams. Take the awesome adventures with Luffy and his nakama and you'll fall in love with them. At that place is comedy, spirit, love and an awe-inspiring factor in the anime. Even the animation which feels weird at first grows on y'all so much that you lot'll similar this kind of animation more than than the others.

Now, I have but finished seeing the Sky Island episodes where Enel is fighting Luffy (200th episode). I have to say I am hooked to this show. This is definitely a show not for meant for kids. Even if you detest hearing the Japanese language, endeavor seeing it for some episodes and you'll get hooked. I can't recommend this series enough. Run into information technology, believe it, bask information technology. This is my all time favourite anime, higher up Bleach & Naruto. This is miles above those anime. Anyone who has seen all three anime will concur with me!


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iii /x

Simpsons of the East

One could call information technology Ane Pie and I couldn't blame them. Comparing it with Dragon Ball, Naruto, or Bleach is a total nonsense, they are non even the same genre.

While the other mentioned animes are about the grapheme aiming to be better and better, manifestly getting stronger and more developed, 1 Piece has nothing of it. It Tin'T have whatever of information technology.

This series is suffering The Class of Super Mario, aka. "Your Princess is in Another Castle". Well, at least they don't suffer The Curse of Ash Ketchum aka. "Your Princess Doesn't Exist", only that'due south the best you can bring into its defense.

The basic structure is that this crew looking like they were designed by David Lynch (terrible author/manager, excellent designer) hop onto a random island, beat upward the local governor who is commonly a tyrant, then leave the scene. They don't fifty-fifty take any loot, despite aiming to be pirates. Rinse and repeat. This of course happens because the only real way to tell the story would be 1) get the map 2) go to the isle three) dig upwards the treasure iv) there is no fourth stride, it ends by finding the treasure. To make things even worse, the protagonist is immortal and invincible from the go-go, thus there is no space for tension or development.

I give you the coloration is OK, and the animation is achieving in the weird gene, but that doesn't substitute the ane,000 episodes they're obviously aiming. Pick upward a random Tom&Jerry episode, or Simpsons, and you lot get the same result with much less investment.

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5 /10

Dropped the bear witness after 20 years due to poor pacing

One Piece was 1 of my favorite anime of all time until around episode 500. The various arcs with their stories and characters were highly enjoyable. The stop of the Enies Foyer arc was the starting time time an anime actually made me weep and to this day whenever I go back to the scene that did that I still tear up. Ane Piece was just that adept dorsum then.

Unfortunately the quality of the anime has dropped considerably from episode 500 onward. In the by when the anime was catching upwardly normally Toei Animation produced a few filler episodes after they had finished a principal arc. Even though some of these fillers were weaker than the main story episodes it allowed them to continue with a good pacing while producing episodes on a mostly weekly base of operations.

However the amount of content that was covered with each episode got more and more stretched out the further we got past episode 500. I tin hands provide numbers for this as well. The Enies Foyer arc had 56 chapters in the manga and was covered in 46 episodes. This means you had a bit more than than 1 chapter per episode. The Fish-Man Island arc was the start ane to have more than anime episodes (58) than manga capacity (56). The Wearing apparel Rosa Saga (Punk Adventure and Dressrosa) had 172 episodes covering 148 manga capacity. The Whole Cake Island arc had 95 episodes covering 78 chapters. This ways nosotros almost had 20 episodes within this arc with purely stretched out content and filler which dragged down the story as a whole because the build upwardly to the fights and fights themselves got constantly stretched out. Toei besides used basically any trick they could to accomplish that. The most lazy and obvious attempts at this I've seen was for example an episode where nosotros saw a scene three times in the same episode. First the bodily scene happened and and so there were two flashbacks showing the exact same thing once more within the same episode. This only destroys whatever practiced element you may have within the story.

To make One Piece as good equally it was the episode schedule would demand to be changed so that they testify sagas for near half-dozen months of the twelvemonth while taking a break the other half of the twelvemonth. Toei won't do that though equally One Piece has been an important source of acquirement for them for a pretty long time. And considering of that the anime version of One Piece is basically ruined.

I'd easily recommend I Piece until effectually Fish-Man isle (8-ix/10 rating). Everything afterwards gets a 2 or 3 out of 10. I finally dropped the anime at episode 904 fifty-fifty though I hadn't really gotten enjoyment out of information technology for quite a while.

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ten /x

One of the Best anime of all time and story's in general

One Slice is a masterpiece in every mode, storyline, characters, writing, music, comedy, drama, Activeness,world building. Right up there with the pokemon anime and diverse others. It's a long series but it's worth every second since all of the arcs/episodes are fun. Sentinel information technology before you dice!

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10 /10

Great anime series

A pirate named Luffy wants to become the pirate king, but too that, he is on a quest to become to the Grand Line and organise his ain pirate to search for the treasure that that has sent people sailing to the seas, called 'I Slice'.

ONE Piece is an absolutely fantastic and fun anime. Besides every episode in the series cannot be missed, since each episode has something to do with the storyline which make the show more and more addictive, different some other TV shows. There are even times where it tin actually even make you care for the characters, which also make the prove surprisingly moving.

Important: Beware of the English language dub because it's been Americanised and politically-corrected to brand information technology a kids show. It'southward been distributed past 4Kids. And then in other words, ONLY lookout the Japanese version otherwise the American version will turn you lot off.

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10 /ten

Tentative Review (Wano Country Arc)

I'm writing this possibly midway through the Wano Country Arc, the manga is however in Act iii (of a potential? 5) and who knows how much is ~really~ left of One Piece. We could be looking at every bit few as 3 years or as many every bit 10. One thing is for sure, even though the ride isn't over, the ride so far has been absolutely, without a doubt, one of the best journeys fiction has ever offered. Eiichiro Oda is a literary genius.

For existence a manga and an anime that have taken no more than a few weeks breaks at a fourth dimension, the quality to the quantity is beyond immaculate. From (basically) commencement to finish in that location has non been a dip in the quality of story-telling. 1 could say some of the best arcs took identify earlier in the series, but that certainly doesn't discount just how fantastic some of the more recent arcs are. Even the (oftentimes contentious) Fishman Isle Arc is leagues in a higher place some of the outstanding arcs of other popular manga/anime.

Without diving too deep or giving too much away, one of the standalone factors that makes One Piece so beyond stellar is how impressively funny and brutally painful information technology tin be, all within a couple pages or minutes. The fact that it is one of the funniest series in no mode undermines the slap-up depths of drama One Piece reaches. Are there funnier manga/anime? Are there sadder and more harrowing manga/anime? Yes and yes, but the fact that One Slice is such a master course in both comedy and drama only exacerbates simply how freakishly human One Piece truly is. It captures beautifully the highs and lows of the homo condition in such a way that seems impossible for a serial with Devil Fruit abilities, haki, fishmen, sky people, giants, and singing skeletons.

Beyond that, the thing that truly sets Ane Piece apart (and a term all too ubiquitous with the series) is its world building. The globe of I Piece is MASSIVE, and that's not merely describing the actual planet where the story takes place, but the lore, the characters, the relationships betwixt characters and so seemingly disparate the thread could but take been finessed by someone with a listen like Oda, a heed, listen you, that is no stranger to making obscure callbacks to details then minuscule hundred and hundreds of chapters ago that even the nearly devout fans can miss. Ane Slice is more often than not one of the single nearly expansive fictional lores helmed by a unmarried writer (and illustrator!) For a little scrap of context, the Lord of the Rings including The Hobbit is roughly 1,550 pages while One Piece is somewhere around 20,000 pages of illustration, and while a manga panel may not say exactly i thousand words, information technology'southward across commendable that one person could pen 20,000 pages of anything for one singular story. A singular story that encompasses so many characters, and insights, and backgrounds, and history, and minute details, that millions of people from virtually every country have come to see this tale and journey every bit something of a second world, a place they tin can escape to and join this magnificent helm and his ragtag coiffure as they journey to the end of the world.

One Slice is truly something beyond magical, and when it eventually ends it will exist in the echelon of the greatest stories ever told. Information technology could end correct at present and still make it into that category, but every bit any fan can tell you, the best is still yet to come. And then, until then, this tentative review will have to do.

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10 /10

Anime Of The Century... This Is But The All-time!

Warning: Spoilers

The Anime "One Piece" takes place in a globe where pirates dominion the seas, Devil Fruits are scattered all over the world, and the most prized possession of Gol D. Roger is the target... I Piece!

Gol D. Roger was the Pirate King who had fame, fortune, ability, everything that anyone wanted to have... On the mean solar day of his execution, he revealed the location of his treasure, One Piece. He said that it is hidden somewhere in "The Grand Line".

This made people set canvass and try to obtain the treasure of treasures, One Slice. Sadly, many take failed and died trying to obtain it. But over the years, it has fatigued attention to hundreds of Pirate groups who seek the championship of Pirate King. The whole globe has entered the Aureate Era of Pirates. The Era where about every pirate'southward dream is to become The Pirate King. They formed formidable crews to overcome those who are too seeking the treasure of treasures.

This is where the story starts. The protagonist of the tale is a boy who had set his eyes on becoming the new Pirate Male monarch. The Boy's proper noun is Monkey D. Luffy. He's the son of the about wanted man named Monkey D. Dragon and the grandson of Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp.

Heads up, Portgas D. Ace is not Luffy's Brother. Ace is the son of the Pirate King and his existent proper noun was Gol D. Ace. He took his mom's surname Portgas, instead of Gol.

On the isle of East Blueish, Luffy grew upward in hoping to exist a pirate someday. He befriends with a pirate named Captain Shanks. He looks up to Shanks as a hero and would do anything to be part of his crew. But he was too young at that time to get a part of the coiffure.

One twenty-four hours Luffy accidentally ate the Devil's Fruit, Gomu Gomu (Condom) that Shanks has at his possession. It gave Luffy the ability to become a human rubber. But once a person eats the Devil's Fruit, they'll be cursed with the powers forever and you'll lose the ability to move when they fall into the sea. Now Luffy is cursed to be a human safe forever only vowed that even if he is cursed, he'd apply this to his reward to get the championship of "Pirate King".

As Shanks departs with his crew, he gave Luffy his most prized possession, his straw hat. He told him to go on it with him, until they run into over again.

A few years afterwards, Luffy starts his quest to observe some friends for his pirate crew. Throughout the series, he'll find new lands, new allies, treasures, dangers, and plenty of villains to face. On his journey to discover new nakamas(friends), he met Roronoa Zoro the swordsman, Nami the navigator and thief, Usopp the Liar, Sanji the cook, Chopper the team'southward doctor, Franky the shipwright and Beck the musician.

Their adventures tin can be unbelievably funny and other times, they're incredibly pitiful. There are only two animes that I cried on. This ane and the other is Naruto. I tin't hold my tears because this anime got into me.. Most of the background story of the characters are really really pitiful.

This anime left me speechless the first time i saw it and information technology nonetheless leaves me speechless now.. And I notwithstanding can't get enough of it. It even inspired me to create my own manga... The title is "My Twelve Wings" Hopefully, in the most future, it'll get published... hehe hopefully... I just started this morning but I already have an ending...

Eiichiro Oda! You're my #i favorite manga creative person and thank you to you, the world of I Slice is made...

Anytime, I'll tell my future children and grandchildren the story of the almighty Monkey D. Luffy and his crew!

I'll cherish this anime till the mean solar day I die

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3 /10

"Extension" kills the excitement the show used to have.

Since the Fishman Isle, especially after the two-twelvemonth timeskip, the testify has been unnecessarily extended and elaborated in also many details and many scenes contain unnecessary delays and "non-sense" arguments. Right after the timeskip, the Straw Hat crew seemed to develop physically and mentally, but sadly they were like that for only a number of episodes and they went back to exist babies with developed bodies. The behaviors of the characters in Dressrosa were my concluding straws. And the iii stars that I requite here is for the swell stories in the beginning of the show.

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10 /10

Phenomenal Show!!

This testify has great philosophical messages, a great plot, and great character development! It is a renowned and fantastic show! I highly recommend this prove to everyone!

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9 /10

Excellent in just about every manner.

This is probably one of the best anime I've seen and I've seen quite a few. I'm non going to go into the details of the plot but I can tell you that the story is excellent and it never gets boring or banal. I've found that if I lookout an anime with over a 100 episodes I'll probably take a break in between and stop watching for a while so I don't become bored. However, with this one that is non a problem at all. The story e'er tends to refresh itself and keep me hooked.

The characters are likable, the action is exciting, the vox acting(Japanese) is very well performed. the comedic parts are hilarious and the sorrowful parts requite me throat lumps. But the best thing nigh the anime is that there are a very few fillers, in contrast to most popular anime. Fifty-fifty the fillers themselves aren't that bland, though evidently not every bit memorable every bit the episodes actually related to the plot. My but complaint would be that the sub plots go a bit predictable at times. This is not really a large problem because information technology doesn't distract from the greatness of this anime.

Overall, I retrieve I can safely say that this is my favourite mainstream anime. I haven't seen any other anime in the mainstream which matches this one fifty-fifty remotely. Become alee and picket information technology, but remember to avoid the English language version as what I've seen of information technology is terrible.

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10 /10

The Greatest Story Ever Told.

(Review for both the anime and the manga, December v, 2021, currently with 1034 chapters and 1001 episodes).

Wealth, Fame, Ability...

Those were the words that started the greatest story of all fourth dimension. Words that all the same hold massive corporeality of pregnant in the story today. Words that will hold even more meaning when the story is ultimately brought to an end.

Nosotros run into how wealth, fame and ability can impact the people of this world. That these things cannot bring happiness, and in many cases will just bring the complete opposite. Look at the Celestial Dragons. The virtually wealthy, powerful and quite famous individuals in the world. They view themselves as better than everyone else, that they tin do whatever they want, even if information technology'due south incredibly inhumane. But in the optics of the people that live beneath them, they are monsters. Monsters who are slaves to the wealth, fame and power they posses, and monsters who enslave. People who are not costless, and accept abroad liberty.


This is one of the core, if not the main element present throughout the entire serial. Considering, those three words ushered at the beginning of this story exercise not hold meaning in a persons life if that person is not free, and is willing to help others be free. They hold no ability without freedom, because ultimately, the people like the Celestial Dragons, are non powerful people. They cannot sway the masses through the use of words and gain the trust of a random person on the street. They are feared. And does beingness feared make one powerful? Maybe. But people do not like to recognize it.

The protagonist in this story, Monkey D. Luffy, wants to get the Pirate Rex, the freest human being in the world. He wants to share that freedom, and is willing to with absolutely anyone. Even someone who may have attempted to kill him mere minutes ago. He is the pure embodiment of freedom, not giving a care in the globe and just having fun.

Another core element of the series is friendship. The coiffure of pirates y'all grow to love, are the best of friends. They volition do whatever they demand to do in order to go along each other safe, to proceed the freedom they work so difficult to gain. But challenge to take away that freedom, and yous'll be sure you lot're non gonna become away easy.

There is so much more I could say about One Slice. About the bully characters, unmatched worldbuilding, and 1 of the greatest mysteries in any form of media always. Merely that could keep forever. One Piece is not perfect, no story is. Information technology has it'southward flaws. Sometimes humor doesn't land, perchance a fight scene isn't great, a character is just abrasive, or even unabridged arcs that just drag and are sometime nigh boring to sit down through. Just, there is but something special nearly One Piece that no series has ever been able to re-create, and I think will e'er be able to create. It is truly something you should watch or read in your lifetime, and some of the values and beliefs can make yous leave a better person. Information technology did that for me. 10/10.

Below are my ratings for each arc of the series below, if yous are at all interested.

Romance Dawn - 8/10 Orangish Boondocks - 6/10 Syrup Village - 6.5/x Baratie - 8/x Arlong Park - 9/10 Loguetown - 7/10 Reverse Mount - six/ten Whisky Peak - vii.5/x Piddling Garden - six.5/10 Drum Island - eight.5/10 Alabasta - 9/x Jaya - 8/10 Skypeia - 7.v/x Long Ring Long Land - six/10 Water seven - 9.5/10 Enies Lobby - 10/10 Post Enies Antechamber - 8.v/10 Thriller Bark - v.5/x Sabaody Archipelago - ix/10 Amazon Lily - 6.five/ten Impel Down - 7.v/10 Marineford - x/10 Post War - vii.5/10 Return to Sabaody - 7/ten Fish Man Island - v/ten Punk Hazard - 6.v/ten Dressrosa - 8.5/10 Zou - eight.5/10 Whole Cake Island - 9/10 Levely - 7.v/10 Wano - 9.v/10 m.

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ane /10

A good concept stretched out too long

This show has a great concept and a likeable cast of characters. But its unbearable to watch. Who knows why it has as many eps as it does. The arcs are just the same thing over and over. Its like the characters are stuck in a timeloop doomed to repeat the same plot for a thousand episodes.

If you desire a expert nights slumber, spotter this ane.

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ten /10

I've weeped so many times

Warning: Spoilers

For years i avoided this anime because of the 4kids version, but i was always interested in seeing what it was similar to watch in japs with subtitles because it was currently considered i of the best animes out there, and from episode 1 to episode 330 i was captivated.

I rediscovered this masterpiece and the extent of 4kids damage washed abroad in time.

from that moment on i couldn't stop watching, this bear witness is incredible and incredibly moving, i've lost count of the times i've broken into tears watching them leave onetime friends, reunite current ones, fire their ship.

And i e'er figured this prove would be funny and i was severely disappointed to find that it's not, non funny in the slightest, it's throatrippingly hilarious, specially the scene where Ussop and Carue run for their lives from Miss Wed and Mr 4 (i recall?) that today is withal my favorite scene. episode 126 i call up it was.

If you want to get a fan and so please avoid the 4kids version at all costs, if you lot still want to run across an English one, lookout the funimation version

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10 /x

It's gonna be a long review. Here we go

Alarm: Spoilers

Eastward Blue

Romance Dawn Everything starts with the greatest pirate execution. His proper noun is Gol D. Roger and the people go a pirate and search for The Slap-up Treasure One Piece.

And then Shanks met with Luffy and Luffy decides to be a Pirate Male monarch. Shanks save Luffy's life and lost his arm and I heard from Oda (The Creator of One Piece) Shanks losing his arm just his strength is never changed. Shanks give Luffy the Harbinger Hat. Luffy eats devil fruit and he became rubber homo. He crush upwards Alvida crew and met Coby. And so He met Zoro and Zoro come to crew.

Orangish Boondocks They fight confronting Buggy's coiffure and the win. Luffy and Zoro met with Nami.

Syrup Hamlet They fight confronting Captain Kuro and his crew. The Great Usopp comes to crew in this arc. They got the greatest ship Going Merry.

Baratie They fight against Don Kreig crew. I thought that time Don Krieg is the most powerful character but now Luffy ane shots him. Sanji bring together the crew. Nami betrayed Luffy and the crew only she had reason to do it and I nearly forgot Mihawk shows up (The Greatest Swordsman) and Zoro fight with him and Mihawk one shots him.

Arlong Park They beat up Arlaong and his crew for Nami and Nami's village. Arlong is such a racist. I hate that guy and Luffy got his first bounty.

Loguetown We come across Dragon (Luffy's Father), Smoker and Tashigi as I remember. Lougetown is the execution identify for Gold Roger. The Straw Hats going to the Grand Line.


Reverse Mountain We see Laboon and the Gold Roger'south crew physician.

Whisky Elevation Zoro's fights were very good. They decided to help Vivi for Arabasta Kingdom. Luffy and Zoro fight for no reason. It was a skilful arc.

Little Garden Outset of all I really actually desire to run across Elbaf Arc. I promise Oda will exercise it. Usopp loves and admire the giant people so much. The fights scenes are very good.

Drum Island We saw the Tony Tony Chopper the Md of the Harbinger Hats Pirates. Every bit I recollect we see Ace in this arc. Chopper joins the crew.

Arabasta It's a masterpiece arc. I love all the fights especially Zoro's fight. I dear Crocodile so much. He is a dandy villain and nosotros run across the one of the greatest grapheme in One Piece. Bon Clay we love you and so much. The Crew gets new bounties. Lastly Nico Robin joins the coiffure.

Sky Island

Jaya They try find a way for go to Sky Isle and Luffy one shots Bellamy. That was a not bad scene.

Skypiea They fight against God Enel. He has my favorite devil fruit. The Thunder is so powerful and perfect simply Luffy win against him because he is rubber. Virtually of the people say it was a boring arc but I don't remember that mode it's actually skilful.

Water seven

Long Ring Long Land Information technology'south boring arc. My least favorite just it has some good fight scenes especially Zoro and Sanji.

Water seven We see Franky and learn foreign things near Robin. We encounter The Cracking CP-9 and they take Robin. We learn sad things about Merry and Usopp leave the crew.

Enies Vestibule This arc. Just Masterpiece. It was perfect the fight scenes, the story line, the characters. They take Robin back and run away from Enies Foyer. If Merry wasn't there they all dead right now. Merry saved them. But end of the arc we are saying goodbye to our friend Merry.

Mail-Enies Antechamber The crew had new bounties. We saw Garp, Aokiji, Helmeppo and Coby. They had a new ship name 1000 Sunny Thriller Bark Brook comes to crew. Zoro got his new sword. The Fight scenes are perfect and we see legendary scenes. ''Null Happened''

Acme War

Sabaody Archipelago This arc is so skillful to. We saw the Worst Generation. We saw Rayleigh, Kizaru (My favorite Admiral) and we run across the most satisfying matter in I Piece. Luffy's dial but end of the arc the coiffure dissever the different islands.

Amazon Lilly We saw Hancock and Luffy's amazing Rex Haki'south. Luffy larn something bad about Ace and he want to go Impel Down because of it.

Impel Down We saw Bon Dirt, Mr. 3, Buggy, Jinbei, Crocodile, Ivankov. This arc was and then good. Luffy want to accept back Ace only he tin't exercise it.

Marineford I don't know what I am going to say about this arc. It's the best arc for now. State of war is astonishing. All of the characters are perfect. The Luffy's Haki is perfect. Just perfect but Ace died in the Great War. That's i of the saddest moments in One Piece.

Post-State of war We saw Luffy'south back-story and we see Sabo's dying. Shanks and Marco pay their last respects to Ace and Whitebeard. All of the crew starts 2 yr training.

Fish-Man Island

Return to Sabaody Crew gets together in Sabaody Island. They changed. We run across The Imitation Straw Hats. I hate them so much.

Fish-Man Island Over again most of the people don't like this arc but I really love that arc. All of the fights and storyline is very skillful but mayhap one thing is bad. The Villains. I don't like them. It could exist better.


Punk Gamble Information technology's actually good. We saw Smoker, Trafalgar D. Water Law. The Fights are astonishing. Especially Law. Luffy's new techniques are really expert. The blitheness is perfect. I really dearest that anime.

Dressrosa This arc just perfect. Luffy's Gear 4, Zoro vs Pica, Usopp Ascertainment Haki, The Story Line, Bartalomeo, and Fujitora. Fujitora is a great guy. I loved him. The dorsum stories are perfect. We learn that Sabo is alive and he is got Ace devil fruit. Just perfect. End of the arc The Straw Chapeau One thousand Fleet is formed and the crew got new bounties.

Four Emperors

Zou Zou arc is good. We learned something bad virtually Sanji and Luffy decided to take him back so he is going the Whole Cake Island merely some of the crew become to Wano.

Whole Cake Island This arc is perfect. I can't handle it anymore. There is too much awesomeness. The Fights, Sanji's back-story, Luffy's fate in Sanji, Katakuri vs Luffy. That's a perfect arc. Most importantly The MVP of this arc is Brook. He did and so much important thing in this arc. Terminate of the arc Luffy and Sanji got new bounties and Luffy become The Fifth Emperor.

Levely We saw a lot of important matter in this arc. Imu Sama, The Big Harbinger Hat and something happened to Sabo simply we don't know information technology correct now and we learn that The Warlord System is removed.

Wano Country Wano. A masterpiece. The animation is perfect. The fights, Oden back-story, The reunion The Straw Hats, Wano's beauty, All of it perfect. This arc is my second favorite arc. It's still ongoing just the end of information technology I'yard sure that is is going to be a number 1.

That'due south it. If you're not watching One Piece, yous're missing a lot. Information technology's a Masterpiece. Don't scared the numbers of episodes. You lot will not regret and most of the people say it will be better after 300th episode or 400th episode but they wrong it is perfect from the start. You must sentinel information technology right now.

Thanks for reading.

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10 /10


Master piece!!!!!!!! Cant explain information technology shortly!!!!! each every character has their own goal!!!!!! must watch Anime!!!!!

Luffy & Zoro are the most interesting characters in the series along with four kings.

Captain White Beard is incredible..!!!!!!

Gol D Roger....King of the cool!!!!!!

Monkey D Dragon....Well-nigh wanted criminal....slap-up revolutionist...!!!!!

The Characters: Each character in the world of One Piece is beautifully elaborated upon, even the small characters that are only around for an Arc are all good developed characters. Luffy is easily the best Main Protagonist of the Big Iii in my mind and is the perfect balance of comedy and seriousness in battle. The admittedly fantastic characters of Ane Piece are actually what makes the story, and there at to the lowest degree one or two that you'll accept an instant liking besides.

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I of the virtually excellent adventure series to date. But the U.S. dub almost ruins it.

Alert: Spoilers

I believe I don't need to tell you that anime has hit like a brick in the U.S.'s popular culture and quite frankly I couldn't exist happier. Mainly cause it nice to see animation that aren't afraid of leaving the kiddy realm and that they can be taken seriously (a fact most of the older generation down here simply won't have). Of course its also prissy to run into a story that caters to both sides and is always worth coming back to, instance in bespeak say hi to One Piece. May expect kittenish but it is the most complex story I've ever had the joy of least in graphic novel grade when it retains their original shape. Sadly one time over again political definiteness reared it ugly head downward here when it came time to see the blithe version. You lot know what that means anime lovers, KID...FRIENDLY...DUB!

Premise: The story follows the massive chance of Monkey D. Luffy (Luffy for short) as he seeks the titled treasure to become the rex of pirates, fifty-fifty though he cursed from eating a Devil Fruit that gives him rubber powers simply prohibits him from swimming forever. Soon gaining a crew with their ain unique quirks and goals and sailing the dangerous nevertheless wondrous Grand Line in their quest.

So far the U.S is still in it starting chapters of this series (every bit of this writing) but One Piece has shown an very interesting take at storytelling, what may seem obvious to the viewer and the characters could actually have another deeper pregnant to really stun you when it revealed and its these little twists that keep you coming dorsum for more of the story. Of form the main characters are a charming lot too with their faults and strengths. And every bit overused as it is in cartoons, a bond of a very tight friendship that assist them threw their battles.

Speaking of which, talk about a bunch of creative rumbles. Be it against other devil fruit users, major weapons, martial arts, sword play or against the elements themselves. Luffy and his crew have on all comers and the viewers are definitely in for a show one time everything hits the fans.

Blitheness wise, its dandy. Some of the attacks lose a chip of their impacts from the comic just information technology still very cool to run across everything unfolding with motility and color. The downside to this is the dreaded DBZ syndrome where a couple of episodes are dedicated to the back and forth struggle of the fights. Nevertheless if you're a fan of the series, you lot might stay for the long run.

Alas a company chosen 4Kids has picked this upwardly on the United states behalf and if the proper noun is any indication, its going to be edited the crap out of. At present, dissimilar most anime viewers, I have zero confronting dubs. Yes they may not match the quality of the originals simply they do try their all-time. But with 4Kids its some other story. I know they can't show claret, obscene gestures, and the like and thats fine with me. But seriously exercise they have to, Have TO, edit silly niggling tibits like guns the way they do (they turn them into water guns and hammer gizmos for crying out loud, surly they can practise better so that. Calling them blasters or boomsticks would've at least been a petty better.)

Much worse nevertheless is the changes to the story lines, what and then bad about the word death and whatsoever reference to it. Kids larn virtually it eventually, heck DBZ didn't fifty-fifty try to ignore information technology. So what the bespeak of roofing it upwards past having characters "in a blackout" or "been taken away"? I mean they don't have to prove the expiry, but don't act similar it didn't happen, thats insulting the series material. And for quality sake, I wish they terminate adding ad-libs to scenes that don't need them.

Phonation wise, its somewhat decent. Let get the good out of the manner and say that Zoro (or Zolo though I don't intendance which name hes called), Nami, and at to the lowest degree most of the villains audio their roles. But Luffy, ugh way too young for a TEENAGER and screechy. Ussop, well it kinda fits him just information technology needs to be a little more solidified to arrange the character. And Sanji? If information technology didn't sound like a pillow was stuck down his throat information technology would've been all right.

Music is too non bad though I am curious what the original rail sounds similar and I volition commend 4Kids for the intro (aye I…LIKED…It). Very catchy after a couple of viewings though of course it doesn't hold a candle to the original material. Kinda wish they used the 2d opening with English lyrics but good chore on the intro nonetheless.

Notwithstanding though 4Kids does stay a chip true-blue to the manga and retain some of the scenes and dialogue which am happy about, only if they really wanna please the fans their gonna have to footstep it up on the content level and stop with what they retrieve the animation needs besides lack of the offensive (blood, gore, and cursing).

Overall I love the story, characters, situations and the grand calibration of the run a risk of the series in full general. Only am going to take to hang my head down on the dub which barely does the series justice. Still if y'all don't care much for how expert a dub is washed or have never heard of the series then the I Piece dub may be worth viewing (though for the latter, I recommend reading the manga for a better experience.). Anybody else, wait for the uncut DVD version which 4Kids accept graciously decided to release or cheque out a fansub (the original Japanese version with subtitles). Information technology might be better then what usa yanks tried to make of the evidence.

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10 /10

My favorite anime

1 Piece is a perfect blend of comedy and activity. The Straw Lid Pirates' back stories are very deplorable. The back stories bring me shut to tears or actually do make me weep. I honey all of the main characters in this over 400 episodes serial. The villains are amazing also. Luffy - the captain, Zoro - the swordsman, Nami - the navigator, Usopp - the sniper, Sanji - the cook, Chopper - the doctor, Robin - the archeologist, Franky - the craftsmen, and Beck - the musician are great fighters and also bring in good comedy along with it. Oda is a magnificent story teller. What other author can brand you intendance about a walking talking skeleton that can go the the bathroom, fart, cry, and get bumps. Even though Brook has no intestines, tear ducts, and skin. SKULL JOKE! YOHOHOHO!

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Anime English Dub Series That Made It Into The 100th Episodes

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